Remember Me? I used to blog here…
And then October and #Write31Days happened, and I stuck it out (and loved it!)
And then November came and I took a long, deep breath… that has lasted for the last 9 days!!!
It has been so bad that Lance said to me a couple days ago, “Hey– when are you going to blog again???” And we both burst out laughing, because He and I both know how vital it is to my mental health to keep a rhythm of writing.
Meanwhile, lots of thoughts have ambled across my mind to tell you– and I’m afraid if I don’t at least cover them, I will forget all together.
So here goes, an update in List form. Actually in Gerund form. One of my new favorite people, Kristin Schell had a fun Gerund List over at her place last week, and– well I love a good Gerund.
I am…
Cooking– with a lot of root vegetables lately. We made this Turkey and Sweet Potato Hash last week and it was fabulous. Hash seems like such a weird word that means so many different things. In this part of the country, there is a popular BBQ side dish called Hash– something like Brunswick Stew that’s been through the blender and served over rice. Not pretty at all. This however– is fragrant, simple and yummy. Give it a try with your Turkey Day Leftovers!
Drinking – Iced Coffee in my new little Coffee cup, I drink one just about every day and my old cup bit the dust. But now I get to stare at this cute little green feather. And, why Hello there Fall in my grassless backyard!!!
Reading –Longing for More: Daily Reflections on Finding God in the Rhythms of Life by Timothy Williard and Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
Wishing – October wasn’t quite over yet. I LOVE October, but between our mountain weekend, Allume, and a couple of fun visits from family– October flew by faster than I could buy a bag of Reese’s Pumpkins– which is probably a good thing. November is a close second in my book.
Preparing – to migrate to being self-hosted sometime soon and completely reminded of why I love the writing aspect of blogging and the technical side takes me a million tutorials and many hours.
Needing – Peace. Over the next couple of weeks, our family will be separated for several long days by many miles and I’m slightly dreading the distance. However, obedience comes before comfort.
Getting– a little anxious about the previous one.
Missing – North Carolina. Just a little bit– it must be the time of year. We really have a gorgeous Fall here too– but Wake Forest this time of year is a bit like stepping into an L.L. Bean Catalog. Someone I follow on Instagram posted a short video of driving down Main Street in Wake Forest and it literally made me a little heartsad. Heartsad, is that a word? Probably not since it keeps getting underlined with that red dotted line. But it applies. I can no longer say I feel homesick, because that is not home, THIS is home. I love here. But I still feel a little, “left my heart in San Franciso-ish” every now and then.
Loving – this season. this place. this house. I’m just glad to be in this season of parenting and marriage and life. And also yet a little full of anticipatory butterflies about what is next. Content and Hopeful is a really wonderful place to be.
Remembering – Last weekend and the Women of Faith Simulcast we hosted at church– it was so very fun. I also realized how much I miss the opportunity for occasional event planning. Furthermore, I decided that gold glitter confetti is so far up on my list of priorities.
Well thats all I have–what are you “-ing” right now???
[…] been a long time since I’ve done a fun Gerunds & Lately List– so here it […]