Ahh, January. You are a month of fresh starts and new planner pages. You move us from seasons of travel and busy to normal everyday rhythms. I learned a few things, tried a few things, and now.. I’m ready for what’s next. Let’s jump in, and I’d love to hear what you learned this month in the comments!
1. I am a Dickens person (and not just Charles.) In January, we were given the most beautiful little gentleman of a black labrador puppy and oh my goodness. I am not sure I can resist admitting that I love his fluffy self any longer. He has gained 13 lbs. in the last month and has no idea how adorably clumsy his massive paws make him. We have certainly had our moments. Like the mornings I’ve found myself standing in the front yard, bundled up like Clark Griswold in his attic– waiting on him to.. do his thing, when I very much wanted to be inside clutching a massive cup of coffee on the couch. I’ve resisted filling my instagram feed with pup photos and some hashtag Dickens of Instagram nonsense– but believe me, I’ve come close.
2. Snow makes me feel seven again. Last Saturday we had the first snow of the year and Oh, the joy it brought to our day. The girls had been hoping for snow all week and early that morning, I heard their delighted squeals ring out when they peeped through the blinds in their room. Watching them run through the yard and catch snowflakes as they fell was the best possible winter morning. I mentioned on Instagram how close it made me feel to being seven again and experiencing my first and only childhood snow in Florida, which was basically a miracle.
3. Voxer is my jam. Voxer has brought me a special connectedness to a few friends very far away. AND, bonus. I never have to worry if I’m calling at the wrong time. I love being able to leave messages and pick up conversations where we left off. If you’re on voxer- I’d love to know!
4. Not having cable isn’t so bad! Apparently very few people in my circle of life still have regular cable and I found this out when I asked about other options on Facebook. Who knew?! We finally cut the cord this month and it’s been ok. Having Netflix and Amazon Prime has helped ease the blow. And BONUS. We’re reading more, which is fantastic.
- The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay is the third novel of hers I have read. I refused to finish it for weeks and would only read a chapter at a time. I loved that Lucy, the heroine in this story came with the stuff of being human. She runs from her poor choices for awhile but ultimately finds herself right back where she began but with a completely different trajectory. I loved it. I’ve raved about her writing before– but Katherine Reay is a definite favorite. Who is hopefully writing another book as we speak… and another after that, and another.
- The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkien. I know, a classic! I read this in my own 7th grade English class and I’m now reading it again with my 8th grade Literature students. I am truly discovering it again as an adult and a teacher. I love what C.S. Lewis said about
- Kale in non-horrible tasting forms. This Tropi-Kale Smoothie from Sally’s Baking Addiction is currently our cup of tea. It is not bitter, and when we use frozen pineapple and fresh bananas it’s a inexpensive way to get greens in our kiddos and ourselves. Also on my list of non-gag-inducing kale dishes? A Kale Caesar Salad. Yum.
- Hope*Writers. Hope*Writers is exactly what I needed at this stage in my writing journey. It is lovely blend of technical helps and care for the soul of the creative. On different days, I need different things as a writer. Sometimes I need a kick in the marketing pants. Sometimes I need a hug. Hope*Writers gives me both. Interested? Come Join us!
Mindy says
I keep wondering about life without cable (well, actually satellite because cable is not available where we live…). I do have Amazon that think that would help for sure coupled with Hulu or Netflix. I also love kale in salads, veggie dishes etc. I grow it in the garden when possible but since that is not possible with our winters I just bought a large bunch last week. I signed up for the Hope Writers webinar but due to technical issues (on MY end) I missed the first session but they so wonderfully sent a link for a replay! So anxious to check it out.
April Box says
Hello! I’m April, your “neighbor” link up on Emily Freeman’s recent post. Also a Hope*writer 🙂 I will definitely check out your book recommendation, ‘The Bronte Plot’. It sounds interesting! And I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never read ‘The Hobbit’ and just looked at it today on my shelf to consider reading. (bought it and never read it…..yet!).
You also do a great job with your pictures. Keep writing!
bakerlinda54 says
I’ve enjoyed catching up a bit with your blog this morning! Love what you learned in January, and all your posts for that matter! I do hope you get published…you truly have a gift with the way you write, and many others need an opportunity to hear from you. Still struggling with kale here…may have to try that smoothie!
HappyGoStuckey says
Hi, Linda! I always love to see you here! Thank you for your thoughtful encouragement~ it means so much to have you read my words and be able to keep in touch!