Day 7/31
(YAY! We made it one week!)
GO. The word for today is GO. The absolute first thing that comes to mind is this verse-
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Matthew 16:15
Mainly because my friend Amy just returned from Madagascar. She spent hours on a plane, flew to a remote island and took a flying leap out of her comfort zone to love those that are largely forgotten.
But they have never once been forgotten by their Creator.
They live, thousands of miles from anything we would call familiar.
But made in God’s image, they are seen by Him daily.
And He sent a small group from a church in Georgia to love them.
To share His gospel and the hope of His Son.
And hearing the call, they WENT.
Knowing these words to be 100% true, they said a big “yes” to Him when He said “Go.”
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous!
Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Wherever He tells us to go, Madagascar or the Neighbor’s house across the street– let us be ready and willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of those He died for. For the sake of those He loves.
*Photos taken by Heather Buck.
Amber says
Thank you for challenging us all these 31 days. Day 8 is not written yet and I have BSF this morning so not written. AHH.
Anyhow this post made me think of an old worship song I love.