Honesty: very rarely do I feel completely put together. I love getting “fixed up” but time (read-my littles) doesn’t always permit. Instead I usually try to fake it with my favorite earrings and a dap of lip gloss.
But today, I was a mess.
We were planning on staying in but when the walls were a little too close together for it to be pre-lunchtime, I hurriedly thought of an errand to run and the yoga pants got swapped for a pair of jeans. They’re really the only jeans I wear and they have a small rip by the right pocket. A rip that was there when I bought them. I figured, “I’m not even 32 yet. I can rock a little classy rip in my jeans.” Trouble is, my kiddos like to stick their fingers in the rip and make it bigger. Sigh. They think it’s hilarious and it kind of is.
But even those slightly “Hip” jeans couldn’t save me today. The way-too-messy-to-be-on-purpose sock bun wasn’t even my problem. It was my cluttered, messy heart and mind.
Today started with a bang and by the time I came back from the gym my early risers were rising even earlier. Leaving no time to start slow and take in a bit of scripture and prayer.
It doesn’t always have a direct and immediate noticeable affect on my attitude. Today it did.
Before I knew it, the mom who tried to spruce up a bit on the outside felt frustrated and well, a desperate mess of a mess.
That was me, trying to listen to the story being told to me by one little while the littlest little was pitching a ROYAL FIT at a very heightened volume in the middle of Costco. Every little thing I tried to do today was like walking through a swimming pool of jello. Which for mamas of littles, isn’t necessarily out of the ordinary. But my messy, cluttered heart and mind could not deal. And I took it personally. I felt defeated. I felt like a mom who shouldn’t have any more kids. I felt like I couldn’t, wasn’t handling the two I had. I felt, I felt, I felt.
But for GOD.
Praise Him He is the righter of our wrongs. The cleaner-out of our messy thought closets. And when we are just… so far from being together… So far from having it all together with children who behave and hair that stays in place— HE is what we need. More of HIM. Less of our insecurities.
Much, much less of us. And More of Him. And more, much more of saying “yes” to whatever it is He wants of us. There is nothing you touch, no skinned knee that needs a kiss and a DocMcStuffins Band-aid, no attempt at cooking ground beef in yet another *exciting* way, no neighbor that just needs a bit of grace… nothing that doesn’t fall under the heading of, “bringing Glory to God.” So let Him have it all.
It’s friday (almost) and that means we write for 5 minutes together and link up here!
Holly Barrett says
More of Him and less of our insecurities. Yes! I need that in the middle of my mess!
Meredith Bernard says
You and I were having the same day a few states away. 😉 And I missed my quiet time first thing this morning and that didn’t help me even one. little. bit. But GOD. Yes!! So thankful He rights my wrongs and works with my mess. Appreciate your words and your heart.
Rachel Lundy says
Yes! More of Him! We try to look clean and presentable on the outside, but on the inside we just need more of Jesus. More of Him to clean up our messy thought closets as you say!
Rachel Lundy says
Yes! More of Him! That is just what we need, no matter how clean and presentable we look on the outside. Inside, we just need Jesus.
jenpcv says
Hmm…earrings and lip gloss are about as good as it gets for me! 🙂 Hope tomorrow is a little less messy, and that you get your quiet time in to keep you sane. 🙂
Jacqueline Heider says
Awesome post! Thank goodness He cleans up my messes!
Rachel Quigley says
Ha ha…you had me laughing out loud…which isn’t a good thing right now since my hubby is sound asleep next to me! Thanks for sharing…I loved it! It’s so great when He steps into the middle of our mess and meets us right there!
onerebelheart says
I love this: “way too messy to be on purpose”! There’s a fine line between messy on purpose and just plain messy. 🙂 Lovely post!
CW says
Sounds very much like the day I had yesterday…though let’s keep being honest: I wouldn’t have traded the yoga pants for anything!
amypboyd says
I think But God are my two favorite words.
Jolene Underwood (@Faith_Eyes) says
Love hearing your heart and just you, living a real life with real messes. Thank you for sharing. Glad to “meet” you through FMF!
Karrilee Aggett says
“Praise Him He is the righter of our wrongs. The cleaner-out of our messy thought closets.” Yes – this!!! Amen for this!!!
lisa @ being stepmom says
I’m with CW… the yoga pants would have stayed! teasing. sort of.
More of Him – yes!
Sharon says
I was mesmerized by the fun way you expressed yourself so transparently and then offer the God Factor to make the mess blessed by His Grace! I also loved the picture of being a mom of “littles” because now I get to think of myself as being a mom of 3 “bigs.” My bigs are soon to be 22, 24 and 30. I’m grandmom of one “little” thirteen month old and all will be at my house this week. You made me smile. Thanks!