HI. Happy Wednesday! We are mid-way through a week filled with VBS and a bunch of other wonderful, busy events and we. are. tired. around these parts. So much so that even my 5 yr. old has been willingly taking a nap every afternoon where she usually is totally against the idea.
For some strange reason, I’ve not been sleeping all that great lately– which is completely odd for me. I’m nothing if not a great sleeper. Even when I’ve been 9 months pregnant, or in the throes of a kidney stone (that one time) I CAN SLEEP for sure. But lately I’ve been Princess Toss-N-Turn so last night… Lance gave me a melatonin about 30 minutes before bed… and let me just say. Thank goodness for the person who first discovered it. I slept like a rock!
As exciting as my sleep patterns are— heres’ a few things to bring a little HAPPY to your Wednesday!
THIS song and video that Lance showed me. It’s actually done by a couple at our church and it is so pretty and peaceful, I just wanted to share the love!
[vimeo 50759457 w=500 h=281]
Number 2. Do you listen to Podcasts?
I have only just recently discovered how fun and beneficial they can be– for the longest time I pictured them as a drier version of public broadcasting. Not true at all! There are hundreds of interesting topics and many great bloggers are beginning to take up podcasting– so the options are endless.
And let me just say– IF you find yourself in the car on a long trip with kiddos– listening to podcasts with earbuds is a GREAT escape from the 3,634th showing of FROZEN. I’ll definitely share more on this topic later, and share a few of my favorite podcasters but here is one from Tsh Oxenreider’s Podcast- the Art of Simple. In episode, #67– Tsh talks with Joshua Becker– on “Freedom from Stuff.” Joshua Becker writes the blog, Becoming Minimalist and his approach is so refreshing in a world of “All-or-Nothing” Simple Living. I enjoyed it so much we cleaned a bunch of toys out of the girl’s playroom and I’ve a plan to take on the rest of the house. So, do yourself a favor– subscribe to Tsh’s podcast through the podcast app on your phone or listen HERE.
And then finally– I just wanted to leave you with a little quote from Emily P. Freeman, from her book– A Million Little Ways.
“What makes us come alive goes deeper than what we choose to do in our professions and our free time. What makes us come alive is LIFE, and this life is Jesus. Painting, cooking, parenting, calculating, and conversation all have the potential to hold within them a mystery and an expression of our life in Christ.” (Freeman, A Million Little Ways, pg. 30)
If you have not read this book– I HIGHLY recommend it as un uplifting place to start when wondering what you should be “doing” and what you’re passionate about. This book taught me so much about using every little thing I do to bring pleasure and glory to God. In it I found a beautiful freedom to discover those things about myself that God created in me. And, it’s just a lovely read! Find it here on amazon- A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live
rachelinraleigh says
interesting…. also, what do you think of the booked you IGed, Restless?