Day 16/31
Today is my 400th Blog Post!!!!! I know– how fun?!?!?!? However, a small disclaimer– I’ve been blogging in some capacity for 7 years. So when you think of it that way– it’s not really all that great!!! HA! BUT, most of those posts have been in the last 18 months. Before that I was all, slap a photo up every three weeks and call it a wordless wednesday, or wordless monday or whatever. (please don’t go back to my earlier archives. It won’t be pretty. Actually, it might be very pretty because it will mainly be pictures of the children.. with very little constructive thought. 🙂
But around the summer of 2013, I began to write more frequently with a renewed purpose and defined passion. It quickly became something I couldn’t not do. This last month of the #Write31Days challenge has been tough, I can not lie. From being on a 2-3 times per week consistency to publishing every single day– whew! It’s been quite the adjustment.
I have gotten up earlier, stayed up later ( a few times,) missed out on things I wanted to do, conversations I wanted to have, places I wanted to go– but the trade off has really been worth the sacrifice.
Just the exercise of writing something every day has been freeing. After October is finished, I cannot imagine I will continue posting more than my usual schedule of 2-3 times per week– but I have learned that I need to be doing some type of writing every day. In a journal, on a document, on a post-it, even. Just something.
Emily Freeman said, “Sometimes I write because I have something to say.. and sometimes I write because I need to remember how to see.”
So true. The principal of paying attention is something I need more in my life and this month, just knowing I needed to write every day has given me a renewed sense of opening my eyes to all around me. To paying better attention.
And though I feel as though I have had to simply adjust many things in my day to allow for the time to write daily, it has really been so much more than that– as the exercise and the discipline of it has adjusted my vision.
I hope I keep my eyes wide open long after October is over. Thank you for coming back every day and sticking with me!
Kate Motaung says
I love hearing how this daily challenge and stretched and challenged you! SO grateful that you’ve stuck with it and have played along with the prompts! That makes my heart very happy. 🙂 Strength to you for the remaining days!
Kate Motaung says
I love hearing how this daily challenge and stretched and challenged you! SO grateful that you’ve stuck with it and have played along with the prompts! That makes my heart very happy. 🙂 Strength to you for the remaining days!
Amber says
I completely agree. I am looking forward to going back to 2-3 times a week but having the discipline now to work on some of the larger projects I have in the hopper. Once a upon a time I had 6 books in the works and/or plays. Now nothing. I’m lucky to get a 500 word post written. Oh but how we love these little girls.
Be blessed friend. Looking forward to lots of tweets, Instagram pics and posts about Allume.
FYI – Janelle from raved about you.
Amber says
I completely agree. I am looking forward to going back to 2-3 times a week but having the discipline now to work on some of the larger projects I have in the hopper. Once a upon a time I had 6 books in the works and/or plays. Now nothing. I’m lucky to get a 500 word post written. Oh but how we love these little girls.
Be blessed friend. Looking forward to lots of tweets, Instagram pics and posts about Allume.
FYI – Janelle from raved about you.