Day 3/ 31
Dear One who desperately needs something to change,
You are very brave but I see it anyway. The way you walk courageous, smiling in spite of all that’s warring inside your heart.
You might feel protected in keeping it all inside and suffering alone, but really you’re just alone.
And we are out here wishing you would take your mask off a little and let us come in.
Let us in. Let us pray with you. Let us love you.
You’ve been waiting for God to move for what seems like an eternity… I have been there too. I think our infinite God might just chuckle with compassion at our ideas about time. We try to make things happen… or we just give up and resign ourselves to never be answered. But He may just want us to keep waiting in hope a little longer.
When all around seems dry and broken and empty and it mirrors the dark hallways of your heart, littered with piles of prayers yet to be answered– there often seems no reason to move forward in hope.
But Hope is reason enough.
Because in Christ we will always have hope. When all around is empty and breaking and you just want to feel something to know your heart has any feeling left, hold on.
Hold on, not to your disappointment– but to the ONE who sees you.
You may feel forgotten, but you are not.
He sees you right where you are, and He will make all things NEW.
You may not know why or how or when things will change– you just have to know that you don’t know. And that He does.
It may not be your circumstances that alter. But perspective is everything– and peace makes up for so much difficulty.
But if we stop for a minute. Wait. And listen– we might just see that He is doing a new thing in us.
Consider giving up. Give up on seeing the purpose in the pain right now. But do not Give up on Him and His plan for these ashes to become something beautiful.
And know that He has not given up on you. Not even once.
“See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19
Lauren says
oh, my; tearing up at my desk trying to read this & hoping a coworker doesn’t walk in and ask me why I’m crying…
Good thoughts on giving up…especially when I want to give up on Hope itself.
happygostuckey says
Stay with it, friend! Praying for you in the waiting.
Rachel Quigley says
In the midst of trouble and hardship, it is hard to measure time because in those moments pain magnifies and slows time down…it seems! Yet we do have that hope. His hope that carries us through! Thank you for these encouraging words! (Dropping by from #fmf)
amypboyd says
“Hold on, not to your disappointment– but to the ONE who sees you.” What a beautiful reminder. (PS I shared the same verse – It is one of my favorite)
karrileea says
I love this, friend! (I love that you and Amy both used Isa43 too!) Hold on to Hope for ‘Hope is reason enough!” Amen!
pourcettetemps says
this resonated but what stood out for me was HOLD ON to HOPE. thank you so much dear one.